Refuse To Be Swayed

Time And Season Happeneth To Us All. The Things You Do Not Have Now, You Do Not Need It Now So Don’t Kill Yourself Over Worldly Things.

Have Dreams And Have Goals But Anything That Will Take You Outside God, Avoid It. If It Is Not The Will Of God Do Away With It No Matter How Enticing It May Seem.

What Is Not Good Is Not God, Your Heavenly Father Is Not An Author Of Confusion So He Will Not Give You What Will Take Away Your Joy And Peace. Don’t Allow People Or Things Take You Out Of God’s Presence, Never Compromise Your Faith. God’s Mercy Are New Every Morning But Do Not For Any Reason Give The Devil A Chance To Sway You, In Turn Losing Your Son Ship In Christ.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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