Dating is when two people who like themselves connect but, might not necessarily lead to courtship. The moment you start developing likeness that is beyond platonic, you’ve started dating that person. Courtship is when two people date themselves with the intention of getting…

Relationship The Right Way

 We Live In A Very Corrupt Society Hence, It Is Only Wisdom That Can Help You Navigate Your Way Through Without Being Immoral.   You Can Date Someone But Not Court Them But You Cannot Court Who You Haven’t Dated. Contrary To What…

It Can Be Made Manifest

So Long You Have Heard It And Seen It In The Bible, Your Hands Can Handle It. You Came Into This World Naked But Not Empty. There Is Something You Carry That Is Why The Enemies Are Mad But, There Is Nothing They…

What Hinders Helpers

Often Time People Blame Their Helpers For Not Giving Them A Hand. But The Truth Is, Most Of The Time It Is Not Even The Fault Of The Helper. When There Is A Foundational Alter Hindering A Man Form Progressing Help Cannot Come.…

A Time Of Question

A Lot Of Us Know What We Carry Is Great But The Problem Is, How We Bring It Forth. How Do You Bring The Grace You Carry Into Full Manifestation? Hezekiah Said To Isiah “This Day Is A Day Of Distress, Of Rebuke,…

Set Battle

A Lot Of You Are Crying Over The Experiences You Are Passing Through In Life Which Humanly Isn’t A Bad Thing To Show Emotion But, What You Need To Understand Is, There Are Certain Things That Are Written To Happen In Your Life,…

What Is Your Credit With God?

Your Affliction Is Your Contraction. What Is Your Credit With God? In The Realm Of The Spirit In Order To Work With God You Must Be Credit Worthy. Using The Banking System As An Example, A Person Who Is Credit Worthy Is One…

There Is Strength In Your Joy

You Garner Strength In The Midst Of Prayer. When You Pray And Remain Joyful In The Lord You Glean Strength. Paul And Silas Were Arrested Still They Prayed And Sang Praises To God And In Doing So, The Holy Ghost Came Down And…

Get Clarity

Understand The Different Class Of The Opposite Sex So You Know What Suits You. You Should First Cultivate A Friendship With A Person Asking Your Hand In Marriage To Know If You’re Compatible With Him/Her. It Is In The Platonic Stage You Know…

Let Your Body Glorify God

Your Good Looks Shouldn’t Be Used To Lure People To Sexual Immorality Rather Your Good Looks Should Be Used To Glorify God And Prove To The Devil That Despite Your Good Exterior You Can Still Serve God In Spirit And In Truth And…

Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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