Gods Interest, The Devils Target (Marriage)

The Devil Is After Perfect Families With Great Potentials. Whatever Ill Going On In Homes, There Is An Evil Covenant That Was Entered That Is Operational Almost Becoming A Pattern.

A Life Of Pattern And Circle Is A Life Of Question. Majority Of Family Foundational Problems Are Maritally Connected, Either The Enemies Don’T Let You Get Married Or Cause A Problem That Won’T Make You Enjoy The Marriage.

The Devil Hates A Happy Marriage; He Hates Christian Marriages In Particular Because The Churches Powerfully Display The Gospel In Marriage.

So For Us To Enjoy Marital Bliss We Must Attack And Put To Shame The Plans Of The Devil By Taking A Firm Stand In God Because Anything That Is Gods Choice Is Always The Devils Target.

You Will Not Be Victims Of Marital Crisis.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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