Place Value On Your Prophet (Part 2)

Everybody In Life Needs A Prophet. God Said “I Myself Will Call To Account Anyone Who Does Not Listen To My Words That The Prophet Speaks In My Name” (Deut18:18).

 If You Must Live Well, Have Your Eyes Set On Your Prophet.

Even Moses Who Was A Major Prophet Had A Prophet, God Made Aaron Moses’ Prophet Because God Knew He Needed It. So, Regardless Of Your Status Or What You Are In Life, You Need A Prophet.

Prophets Are Divine Gifts And Gifted Men Who Serve As An Intermediary With Humanity.

The Real Question Is; How Do You Handle Your Gift?  A Lot Of People Have Unknowingly Killed Their Prophets. If You Want To Live And Escape The Biting Serpent You Must Place Value On Your Prophet Because They Communicate God’s Will.

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  • by Samuel okpo
    Posted 1 — 07


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