Relationship The Right Way

Some People Believe You Should Not Relate With The Opposite Sex, Inturn Everyone Is Sin Free Which Is Not Entirely False It Is Merely Not Totally True And A Half Truth Is More Dangerous Than A Lie. The Truth About Life Is When An Environment Is Too Rigid The People Tend To Fall To Sin More.

The Human Nature In Inquisitive, Prohibiting Females From Mixing With Males Is Even More Precarious. The Ideal Thing To Do Is To Drill In Them Words Of Advice On The Boundaries They Must Never Cross. When The Youths Learn And Understand These Things, They’ll See Reason Why They Should Control Themselves.

1 Comment

  • by Oluwatosin Samuel Falade
    Posted 29 — 07

    This is divine wisdom that passes understanding.
    Heaven knows that I love Apostle Johnson suleman.God will keep you for us in Jesus name..I desire greatness Daddy pray for me

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