When Your Enemies Plan, Sometimes You May Not Be Able To Stop The Process Of The Plan But, God Is Sure To Stop The Success Of The Evil Plan.

They Can Organize It But Cannot Actualize It.

God Only Preserves You When You’re Under His Covering. When Daniel Was Thrown Into The Lion’s Den, God Preserved Him By Shutting The Mouths Of The Lions.

The Only Sure Security Is In Christ Jesus. After Elijah Gave A Prophecy That There Would Not Be Any Water Nor Food For Three And A Half Years, Ahab Searched For Him Through Every Nation And Kingdom But Could Not Find Elijah Because God Covered Him, So He Was Invincible To His Enemies. Our Heavenly Father Cares For His Own For Our God Can Never Let You See Shame.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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