Demand Begins With Desire, It Is Expressed By Prayer, Triggered By Service, And Released By Focus.

You Must Desire What You Demand But Before You Can Place A Demand You Have To Make Sure You’re Of Service To God Because What You Don’t Serve For, You Don’t Qualify For.

 As A Student, Service Is Not Only The Fee You Pay, You Must Also Pay Attention For Attentiveness Is Key To Demand.

If You Want To See Your Demand Granted You Must Look Solely On God And Deliberately Refuse To Be Distracted.

Nothing Invites Locust Like Lack Of Determination Hence, Focus Is Very Much Paramount. When You Have Focus You’re Set To Accomplish Great Works With Greater Efficiency.

1 Comment

  • by Esther blessing
    Posted 23 — 06

    You are blessing to me n whole world more Grace God general

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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