Greatness is a function of hardwork and hard work does not kill rather, it makes you stronger and better.

There is a level of greatness you cannot access without an oriented mindset backed with hard and wise work. 

One of the major problem faced by lots of people in their daily venture is fear of failing not known that failure is not a total defeat, failure tells you it can be done better. Until you break out of that “false evidence appearing real” (FEAR) you remain limited for life and your dreams for life will be shattered.

This is the best time to dare things. Dare things that look unrealisable. Until you discard fear, you won’t know what you are afraid of is afraid of you.

It’s is never too late to start picturing that great future you desire. Challenges makes life interesting, overcoming them makes life meaningful. Small dreams shrinks you, big dreams stretches you.

 Stretch yourself today by taking that bold step to start that big project today, so long you have started, you will surely finish it.

1 Comment

  • by Samuel Effiom Okpo
    Posted 26 — 09

    I Love You Papa
    More Grace
    Yes Papa… Greatness Is A Function Of Hard And Wise Work

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