Not All Storm Comes To Distrupt Your Life, Some Come To Clear Your Path And Solidify Your Stand.

As A Believer The Challenges Of Life Should Never Make You Love God Less Rather, They Are Meant To Mature You And Increase Your Love For God For It Is An Inevitable Part Of Our Growth.

 As You Go Through The Hurdles Of Life It Help Build Your Faith And Enhances Your Growth.

The Thought Of God For You Is Always Of Peace And Not Of Evil. God Knows What He Is Doing. Never Get To A Point In Your Life Where You Think That God Has Left You For The Storm Is Only A Stepping Stone To Your Next Level. 

        Sometimes Life Leaves You With A Lot Of Options, At This Point You Have To Be Cautious Because,  If You Are Not Properly Guided You Might End Up Choosing The Dishonorable Option That Could Make You Regret Your Actions.

That There Is A Bad Government Does Not Deny The Fact That We Still Need A Government.  For No Reason  Should Yiu Ever Conclude That Your Life Is Bound For Misery Aall You Need Do Is Hold God By His Word For He Is Right There With You Amidst The Storm. Only Men With Exceptional Destinies Go Through Pronounce Challenges.

Dig Deep & Pull The Roots Of Confidence From The Ground Of Your Being, Stand Firm In The Raging Storm Until Sunlight Blossoms Inside You.

Real Gold Fears No Fire.

1 Comment

  • by Feranmi Olaitan Falade
    Posted 8 — 10

    Am so blessed with all the AJS diaries…
    More grace in Jesus Christ name…

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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