Action Bears The Fruits Of Thoughts

“For I Know The Thoughts I Think Towards You, Saith The Lord, Thoughts Of Peace And Not Of Evil To Give You An Expected End”.

 Life Itself Is A Puzzle And Until Something Is Understood, It Is Assumed Hard.

Often Times The Scripture Jeremiah 29:11 Is Interpreted Out Of Context. It Is Often Quoted With A False Consciousness That Something Great In The Future Has Been Set Aside For Us, But In Real Life And In Its Actual Context It Is Not So.

Some People Think They Know What They Will Become In Future Because The Bible Says In Jeremiah 29:11 “For I Know The Thoughts I Think Towards You, Saith The Lord, Thoughts Of Peace And Not Of Evil To Give You An Expected End” That Scripture Clearly States That Those Are Only Thoughts God Bears In Mind For Every Of His Creation, That Is Not Very Cheap And Easy.


  • by Dr. Emmanuel Adama-Ajonye
    Posted 23 — 01

    Great message. Now I know I should appropriate these thoughts in the place of prayer, backed up with the revelation knowledge of His word

    More blessings sir

  • by Jason Phiri
    Posted 9 — 06

    thanks for your great messages

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