Volume Of The Book

Until we begin to understand the pages of the books Just as Daniel understood by books, we will continue to wallow in ignorance knowing well that ignorance kills faster than the worse ailment on earth.

That is why locating the place that concerns us and taking ownership of it goes a long way empowering knowledge to grow exponentially in our various field.

The richer your knowledge base, the effective your cognitive processes of solving problems and reasoning become.

So, if you cannot see yourself in the picture of the scripture, get ready to be captured and rupture for it is the volume of the book that determines the value of your outlook.

Shockingly, Many people have opened the book yet, they have not found their place so, until u find your place, you will continue to be stagnant and remain the same.

The restoration apostle has lived in that maxim by discovering what was written of him as a result of his endless, relentless and passionate search seeing himself in the light of scriptures written for his profiting. That is why you could see him place a demand on life with ordacious composite efficacy of power that is producing mindblowing results maritally, ministerially, academically, financially, name them…

Apostle Johnson Suleman is a global inspiration by virtue of the evidences on his life, teaching practical epistle with productive testaments of what true success is all about.

As an author/writer, his books has healed so many broken hearts and inspired so many in discovering their purposes for life. All these you can find in his numerous books.

Remember, for every mistake you have made, there is “VOLUME OF THE BOOK” for you.

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