One Major Thing A Man Should Pursue In Life Is Honour. No Matter The Connections Or The Number Of Upper Echeloned Acquaintances You Have, If You Have No Honour You’re Worthless.  Honour Is What Every Man Should Crave For.

In A Great House There Is Gold And Silver, Of Wood And Of Earth, Some To Honour And Some To Dishonor. (2nd Tim2:20). Child Of God Regardless Of How Much You Pray To Be Honoured It Is The Life You Live That Will Determine If You Will Be Honoured Or Dishonoured. You Cannot Live A Filthy Life And Expect To Receive The Hounour Of God. You Must Purge Yourself Of All Carnality And Become Born Again For You To Be A Vessel Of Honour In Christ.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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