To Be A Principal You Must Be Principled

Principles Are Set Rules That Regulate Conducts And Instigate Actions. Achieving The Top Most Reality Of Our Predestination Is What We Must Do In This World. Your Glorious Tomorrow Must Be Deliberately Built And Worked On So, To Succeed And Come Out Top Of Your Class You Must Willfully Make It A Stand For God Is A God Of Principles And Life Itself Is Governed By Principle Not Miracles Because, Principle Makes You A Principal.

Being Dominant In This World Is On The Platform Of Ethics. Nothing Just Happens; There Is Something To Do For Something To Happen Because Principles Are Triggers For Covenant Manifestation.

Don’t Keep Waiting And Wishing For Things, Even The Devil Does Not Wish He Puts In Effort. Your Ethics Are The Terms And Conditions For Kingdom Fulfillment. Principles Are Platforms For Actualization Of The Promises Given To Us By God.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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