So many times I keep asking  Why so many regenerated minds in the body of Christ are still victims of struggles.

 Why are the people of God who are separated for exploits, chosen as peculiar people and called out of darkness into his marvelous light  still groping in the dark alleys of failure?

I discovered Until your life is tied to “the Book”, struggles would continue.”This book of law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt mediate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

The Book is the factory for good success, which is success without sweat. As a matter of fact, until the book is opened, destinies remain closed and struggles and sweat continue unabated.

In spite of your holy separation, you still need a working knowledge of your redemptive rights to walk in the reality of them.   You get permanent freedom, when the book is opened.

Open the book today.


  • by Evangelist UK Emma Favour
    Posted 26 — 10

    Thank you Daddy , more grace ..
    From today going my book will be open , Father Lord help me to do your will …

  • by prince oyeyemi magbeyiyomi
    Posted 26 — 10

    Pls I need the book

  • by paul
    Posted 26 — 10

    powerful teaching

  • by Mbunda Emmaculate
    Posted 26 — 10

    Thanks so much Daddy
    You are my eye opener
    More Grace sir

  • by Opeyemi
    Posted 27 — 10

    Always powerful teaching sir. More grace and fresh anointing ljn. Thank you so much papa

  • by Matilda Mwamba Ravi
    Posted 27 — 10

    You are a man of a different spirit and your love for God and prayer is beyond. Thank you for helping shape our lives in this generation.
    God Bless AJS

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