President Macron Warns He Will ‘Hassle’ France’s Unvaccinated

French President Emmanuel Macron has warned he intends to make life difficult for people in France who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19.

But political opponents said the strong language he used in the interview was not worthy of a president.

His comments came as a bill on Covid passes was delayed by opposition MPs uniting against the government.

A debate in parliament on the bill, which would bar the unvaccinated from much of public life, was prevented from continuing after midnight.

The legislation was expected to be approved in a vote this week, but it has angered vaccine opponents and several French MPs have said they have received death threats over the issue.

In his interview with Le Parisien, Mr Macron said that while he would not “vaccinate by force”, he hoped to encourage people to get jabbed by “limiting as much as possible their access to activities in social life”.

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