Buhari Seeks National Assembly’s Help To End Insecurity

President Muhammadu Buhari, urges the National Assembly to partner his regime in order to bring insecurity to an end. Buhari made the plea at a dinner held in honour of members of Senators and Members of the House of Representatives, at the State House Conference Centre, Abuja.

The Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, Femi Adesina states that President Buhari Tells National Assembly Members they must do everything within their powers to end insecurity,.

According to the statement, the President expressed concern that insecurity had inhibited the government’s ability to build infrastructure, provide the much-needed social services to the people, and attract investments that drive innovation, creative industries, and provide jobs and create wealth.

He also says some of the people who perpetuate these various manifestations of insecurity do so for profit, others, in the name of discredited ideologies. In these circumstances, they must do everything within their power, without consideration of distractions, to put an end to their activities and bring them to book.

He lauds the ninth National Assembly for discharging their legislative duties with maturity and competence, describing the legislature as full partners in national development.

The President notes that the executive and legislature came into office at a time of significant challenges for the country; adding that overcoming these challenges requires that we finally confront long-ignored questions of economics, politics, law and history that are often at the root of the national problems.

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