Ethiopia Aims To Plant 20 Billion Trees By 2022

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed is leading a campaign to plant 6 billion trees across the country this year. It forms part of his ‘’Green Legacy’’ project to promote eco-tourism and combat the effects of climate change.

The initiative highlights his focus on the environment ahead of the elections.

At the launch in a meeting hall filled with freshly watered seedlings, Abiy encouraged Ethiopians to plant billions of trees.

And he added that the media should also propagate the positives in the country in order to balance situations as to what goes on in the nation in terms of reportage.

He said the Green Legacy project will continue until September and October. Minister for Agriculture Omar Husen says that over 10 billion trees were planted in the first two years of the ‘’Green Legacy’’ project. The aim is to plant 20 billion trees by 2022.

This year, the Ethiopian government also plans to send one billion seedlings to neighboring countries.

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