When seeds are planted in the right environment and given the right attention they grow effortlessly. As Christians we need to be deeply rooted in God. The ear must be a soil good enough for the holy spirit before you start yielding the fruit of the spirit for Talent can deceive and destroy but fruit cannot deceive.

Your root determines your fruit hence without the Holy Spirit in you, you cannot bear the fruit of the spirit.

The Holy Spirit is a very important person in the life of a believer, it is important that we know how to relate with the him as the Holy Spirit is made up of will, emotion and intellect.

As we work towards perfection as humans let’s not make the mistake of sinning against the Holy Ghost(Blasphemy) for that is unpardonable and unforgivable.

Strengthen your intimacy with the holy spirit, every other thing will fall in place.

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  • by Gina
    Posted 4 — 10


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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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