Action Bears The Fruits Of Thoughts (Part 3)

Even When All The Opportunities For Greatness Is Available It Is Left For You To Follow The Plan And Structure. It’s Not God’s Duty To Take The Steps You’re Supposed To Take; It Is Only His Desire For Us To Prosper In All We Do. God Has Many Deep Thoughts Towards All Of His Creation (Psalm 92:5). Everything In The Bible Is On The Platform Of Activity. You Must Activate And Make Functional In Your Life The Thoughts Of God For You.

What You Do Determines If You’ll Line Up With The Will Of God. Even The Devil Has An Expected End For You “The Desire Of The Righteous Is Only Good But The Expectation Of The Wicked Is Only Wrath “But The Expectation Of The Wicked Cannot Come To Pass Except You Cooperate With Them. Everything In Life Is On The Platform Of Work.

The Thoughts Of God For Your Life Gives You An Assurance As You Activate Process, As You Take Actions To Becoming What God Has In Mind For You. No Matter How Mighty You Are God Is Not A Respecter Of Persons So, Anybody Can Apply A Law And It Works Out For That Person Because Every Laborer Has His Pay Day.

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