30,000 C.A.R. Refugees Flee Rebel Attacks To D.R Congo

Thousands of Central Africans are seeking refuge in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Ndu, the far North of the DRC, 30,000 refugees from Bangassou live in precarious conditions after rebel attacks.

The needs of the refugees have overwhelmed local officials at the UNHCR offering badly needed support.

They offer medical screening among others for children who have been brought there.

Muller Masrabeye, Protection Officer of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the D.R. Congo said, given the huge logistical constraints, it is very difficult to get humanitarian assistance into this area. But they are still aware that the needs of the refugees they have seen are enormous.

Bibi Mbele is president of the local branch of the Federation of Congolese Enterprises and he added that, previously, the population in Ndu was less than 1,500 people. But the number of refugees here now is ten times more than the population of Ndu. They are basically dominant here in Ndu.

Bangassou in the CAR was attacked on January 3 by the rebel coalition of patriots for change (CPC). The group was attempting to overthrow President Faustin Archange Touadera who was re-elected in December 2020. Thousands of families crossed the Mbomou river on canoes or swarm to seek refuge in neighboring D.R. Congo.

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