Chad President Kicks Off Campaign For Sixth Term

Chad President Idriss Deby Itno kicks off his campaign for a sixth term, calling for unity after rival protests were banned and broken up.

The first rally since the start of the official election period was held by Deby’s Patriotic Salvation Movement (MPS) at a packed stadium in the capital, N’Djamena.

Deby, who has ruled for 30 years and is widely deemed a shoo-in for another term, says he has fought for national unity, while also drawing a line in the sand for his opponents.

On Thursday, three opposition candidates quit the race ahead of the April 11 ballot with one of them, Mahamat Yosko Brahim saying the climate was “not favourable for fair and transparent presidential elections”.

Their withdrawal leaves half a dozen candidates, including Deby, who has ruled the country since 1990.

In recent months, demonstrations calling for his resignation have been banned and violently dispersed.

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