Zimbabwe Teachers Strike Over Pay As New Term Starts

Children in Zimbabwe have returned to the classroom for the first time in six months since the coronavirus outbreak.

But teachers are nowhere to be seen as two unions went on strike in a dispute over pay, working conditions and COVID-19 protective equipment.

The government shut schools in March to prevent the spread of the pandemic, which has infected 7,683 people and led to 225 deaths in Zimbabwe.

Many schools have reopened this week as students prepare to sit their final exams.

“They did not turn up for duty and its early days yet to come up with a conclusive position in terms of attendance but the most important point is that teachers are not happy, teachers can’t survive, teachers couldn’t come to work,” said Raymond Majongwe, Secretary General, Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe.

Pay has been eroded after Zimbabwe switched from the US dollar to using its local currency two years ago.

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