Unity Bank Introduces New Code To Combat E-Banking Fraud

Unity Bank, , announces that it had introduced a new code on its Unstructured Supplementary Service Data platform that allows customers to block access to their bank accounts when fraudulent activities are detected.

According to a statement by the bank’s spokesperson, Nwokpoku Ogbonna, the new code will provide customers with complete control of their accounts and guarantee protection against unauthorised access.

The statement was titled ‘Unity Bank unveils new code on USSD platform to combat e-banking fraud’. This is in a bid to safeguard its e-banking platforms with enhanced safety and security features, that completely puts the customer in control of his Bank Account against any e-Banking fraud.

The new code, which is *7799*9*phone number#, allows customers to block access to their bank accounts, hence without recourse to the bank, a customer is able to prevent and protect his bank account from unauthorised access using any mobile device if fraud is suspected.

As part of the robust feature of the bank’s USSD platform, bank customers can directly initiate the new code and successfully block the account from a third-party mobile device.

It explained that customers could unblock their accounts by visiting any branch of Unity Bank nearest to them and request reactivation.

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