UN, ECOWAS Delegations Expected As Guinea Battles Post-Election Unrest

Security forces patrolled the mostly deserted streets of the Guinean capital Conakry.

Debris and smoldering garbage marked the aftermath of afternoon clashes between supporters of Cellou Diallo and the Police.

President Alpha Conde was declared winner of last Sunday’s vote with nearly 60%.

Speaking from his house where he’s barricaded since Monday by security forces, opposition leader Cellou Diallo denounced ‘savage repression’ of his supporters.

In the fight against the third term, they now have more than 130 victims, he said, referring to people who have been killed in anti-Conde rallies since last October.

Sékou Condé, permanent Secretary of the ruling RPG party called to the opposition activists to lay down weapons, be calm and look forward to the future. He said, nothing is worth destroying Guinea for.

Dressed in yellow T-shirts, Conde’s supporters held processions to celebrate the 82-year-old’s win in the capital.

A delegation comprising of officials from the United Nations, the African Union and regional bloc ECOWAS was expected in Conakry as efforts to de-escalate the stalemate in the West African country gather pace.

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