UK To Push For Safe Passage For Afghans As US Withdraws

The international community will “push as one voice” for the safe passage of Afghans who want to leave, Boris Johnson has said.

The prime minister’s comments came after the UN Security Council urged the Taliban to allow people to leave the country.

US forces withdrew from Afghanistan, ending their 20-year presence and leaving the Taliban in control.

British troops also left over the weekend.

In a draft resolution, the UN Security Council also urged the Taliban not to allow Afghanistan to become a base for terrorism.

And it called on all parties to allow “full, safe and unhindered access” for the UN and charities to deliver humanitarian aid.

The resolution, drafted by the UK and France, was passed with 13 votes in favour and two abstentions, from China and Russia.

The Taliban have promised those with authorisation will be allowed to leave the country.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also pledged to “hold the Taliban to their commitment for free passage”.

Labour’s shadow foreign secretary Lisa Nandy welcomed the resolution but said it needed to go further.

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