Talks To Resume Within Weeks On Iran Nuclear Deal

Talks aimed at reviving the landmark 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six other nations are to resume this month.Iran’s chief negotiator Ali BaqeriKani says that his government had agreed to meet in Vienna on 29 November.

The discussions have been on hold since the election of Iran’s new hard-line president in June.

The US pulled out of the deal under President Donald Trump, but Washington has since says it could consider rejoining.

The Biden administration said it will attend the Vienna meet, along with the remaining signatories, the UK, China, France, Germany and Russia.

MrKani says Iran had “agreed to start the negotiations aiming at removal of unlawful and inhumane sanctions on 29 November in Vienna”.Ned Price, a spokesperson for the US State Department, says that a deal could be reached quickly if Iran’s representatives were “serious”.

But he added that the US would expect negotiations to pick up where they left off after the sixth round of talks in Vienna in June.

Iran’s President EbrahimRaisi is expected to take a tough approach to negotiations.

Western nations have been calling on Iran to re-join negotiations for months, warning that Tehran’s nuclear advances have now strayed significantly beyond the limits set by the original deal.

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