Sunday Igboho Transferred To New Detention Facility In Benin Republic

The court of Appeal in Cotonou has ordered that Yoruba Nation agitator, Sunday Igboho, should be transferred to another detention facility.

This is after the activist’s lawyers complained that his fundamental human rights were being abused.

Though the new detention facility is yet to be disclosed, reports gathered that the activist would possibly be moved to Cotonou Civil Prison.

Igboho and his wife were arrested on Monday, July 19, 2021, by the International Criminal Police Organisation at the Cadjèhoun Airport in Cotonou, Republic of Benin on their way to Germany

When they were arraigned last Thursday, the Beninese court adjourned the case till Monday after Igboho’s five lawyers failed to convince the prosecutor that he had no case to answer.

The Beninese authorities released Ropo – the agitator’s wife, while the 48-year-old activist was returned to police custody.

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