Somalia Appeals To Collaboration With Kenya After Court’s Ruling

Somalia’s president says in a speech that the ICJ’s ruling on the border dispute with Kenya is an opportunity for the two countries to collaborate.

President Farmajo spoke after the ICJ ruled in favour of Somalia handing it control over a potentially rich area of the Indian Ocean.

Kenya should instead see the decision of the court as an opportunity to strengthen the relationship of our two countries and the collaboration of their neighbouring people. Somalia did not choose to be a neighbour with Kenya, but it was the willing of the almighty God so that they are forced to live as peaceful neighbours. Somalia was committed to that forever and welcomes it now”, says president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, known as Farmajo.

In the Somali capital, Mogadishu, the decision was greeted with satisfaction by many after a legal battle that lasted for seven years.

Before the announcement of the court’s decision, Kenya accused the court of being biased and refused to acknowledge its authority.

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