Somali President Accused Of ‘Failing’ Election Talks

Somalia’s semi-autonomous states of Puntland and Jubbaland have issued a joint statement accusing President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo of failing to ensure the success of crucial consultative talks held in Mogadishu to find a solution to the election impasse.

Puntland Information Minister Abdullahi Hirsi Tima’ade however said, they are not aware of the failed conference.

Earlier, Somali Information Minister Osman Abukar Dubbe accused the leaders of the two regional states of causing the talks to collapse.

“Unfortunately, Jubbaland and Puntland leadership dishonoured the forum,” the minister added.

On 6 April, the international community called on Somali leaders to compromise and allow elections to take place in the country as the holy month of Ramadan approaches.

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