Senate Chamber Will Soon Have 50% Of Women Representation — LAWAN

President of the Senate, Senator Ahmad Lawan said on Tuesday that very soon, the Senate Chamber will be made up fifty percent of female representation.

 Lawan has underscored the need for the Federal Government to ensure the protection and empowerment of the girl-child in Nigeria, adding that efforts must be made by the government at all levels to prioritize the protection of the girl-child from violence, rape, and all forms of discrimination.

Speaking at Plenary as part of moves to commemorate the 2020 International Day of the Girl Child which was celebrated on Sunday, 12th October 2020, the President of the Senate said, “one day, very soon, this chamber will have fifty percent of female.”  Lawan who stressed the need for gender empowerment said that girls should be educated to enable them to be leaders of tomorrow and for a better Nigeria.

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