Prosperity And Adversity Are The True Test Of The Believer’s Identity – Apostle Suleman

Without doubt, Apostle Johnson Suleman is an anointed man sent by God to this generation for total transformation. Men are known by their act as such he is an example. His teachings are part of the evidences through which lives are affected positively without apology.

Believers have testified to this truth that he is a life coach that everyone should identify with. It was also seen in the sermon he preached titled THERE MUST BE A DIFFERENCE. He says there is a difference between a believer and an unbeliever. However, It’s not proper for believers to suffer same challenges as unbelievers because there is a level of immunity that covers them.

He also added that, the difference may not show up until there is an affliction. It takes difficult times for believers to be exempted and separated. That is why prosperity and adversity are the true test of  believers identity.

This was how he also ex-rayed the difference between the Egyptians and the Israelites in the Bible.

Meanwhile, his exposition about the operations of dogs being witch craft operations marveled believers who heard him.

Using Lazarus as an example made it more eye opening than it was as he mentioned that Lazarus didn’t die by the hand of poverty but by the hand of witchcraft operations.

Of a truth, listening and following the teachings of Apostle Johnson Suleman helps you discover hidden mysteries in God’s word that will amaze you.

The service ended on a high note as we recorded mind blowing  healings and miracles.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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