Pro-Ouattara Supporters Rally In Paris Ahead Of Presidential Elections

Supporters of the current Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara gathered in Paris to show their support to their candidate.

Ouattara who came to power in 2010, following the refusal of former president Laurent Gbagbo to step down, has long been praised by his supporters as Ivory Coast’s savior, especially for his social work.

One of the supporters said, he’s someone who built Ivory Coast, he made beautiful maternity hospitals for women, so that they can give birth. He built buildings, subways etc. He has achieved many things compared to those who came before him.

Following the death of Prime Minister Coulibaly, Ouattara stepped up to run for a third term in office. A move deemed illegal by the opposition, but his party argues that the 2016 constitutional reform allows it.

States Delegate coordinator for the Presidential Party RHDP in Ile-de-France Titiane Koné says the law does not always go in the direction you want it to and you must assume it. It’s there for everyone to accept it, and continue with it. Without law, it’s unrest. It can favor you at one moment, and disavor you at another.

With tensions rising in Ivory Coast, many fear the elections might lead to yet another moment of violence.

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