Perth Ends Lockdown After Covid Cases Contained

The Australian city of Perth will end a snap three-day lockdown that began after a man contracted Covid in hotel quarantine and moved around the community while infectious.

Three local cases have been reported since Friday, and restrictions are set to be lifted at midnight.

State Premier Mark McGowan said the harsh steps had been “necessary”.

Australia’s snap lockdowns have helped contained Covid outbreaks and kept infection rates low.

Mr McGowan described the lockdown in the West Australian capital as a circuit-breaker that had “done the job it was designed to do”.

About two million residents in Perth, and the nearby Peel region, have been subject to stay at home orders since Friday.

Schools and most businesses are set to reopen, though some restrictions – including mandatory mask wearing – will remain.

In Australia, snap lockdowns have proved to be an effective health measure to help suppress Covid outbreaks early on. The country has fared much better than most other nations during the pandemic, with fewer than 30,000 cases and 910 deaths.

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