Parts Of England To Trial Self-Isolation Support

More ways of supporting people to self-isolate in areas with higher coronavirus infection rates are to be piloted in nine parts of England.

There will be “buddying” services for people needing mental health support and alternative accommodation for those in overcrowded homes.

Social care support and translation services will also be available.

It is hoped the schemes will encourage more people to get tested and self-isolate if required.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said this was “vital” in the fight against new Covid variants.

There will be language communications support for those who do not speak English as their first language, and social care support, such as increasing existing social care support for vulnerable adults.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock said they recognise just how challenging self-isolation is for many people and these pilots will help them find the best ways to support people and making it easier for everyone to keep doing their bit.

However, people in pilot areas will not receive further financial support when self-isolating.

Under current rules, a £500 grant has been made available in England to people on low incomes who have to self-isolate.

Labour has been calling on the government to expand eligibility for this scheme.

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