Osinbajo Criticises Vaccine Politics, Export Ban On Developing Countries

Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo has made a case for a world with fairness.

According to a statement by his spokesman, Laolu Akande, the Vice President spoke in a virtual forum organised by an American Christian university, Liberty University, with the theme, ‘Equity for Africa: Transforming the world through Judeo-Christian values,’ and hosted by the university’s School of Business.

The statement quoted Osinbajo as saying, the principle of fairness obliges them, as people of faith, to strive to build a fairer world, a world which takes account of the interests of the poor and marginalised.

He added that Christian leaders must lead the world towards ensuring that all countries and their peoples could access vaccines irrespective of the resources available to them.

The same considerations, he said, applied to helping African countries cope with the economic crisis caused by COVID-19.

The Vice President said investing in Nigeria offered a pathway to partaking in the African Continental Free Trade Area which would create a market in goods and services for up to 1.3 billion people.

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