OCP Builds 55 Farm Hubs In Nigeria, To Train Farmers

OCP Africa Fertilisers Nigeria Limited, a subsidiary of the OCP Group, which produces phosphate-based fertilisers, has announced that it will train agro entrepreneurs on how to use its hubs to boost farmers’ productivity, improve food security and nutrition.

The company says that it plans to provide farmers in underserved markets with easy access to fertilisers and other quality inputs as well as establish 55 one-stop-shop Farm & Fortune Hubs across the country.

Country Manager, Mr Caleb Usoh, says it was a milestone in the company’s effort to contribute to productivity and food security across the country.

He revealed that the hubs were equipped with agritech solutions to help farmers optimise yields, aggregate and preserve their produce, improve food security, and ultimately provide increased income for smallholder families.

He added that operators of hubs would support the national extension service through the provision of timely and effective support to farmers and rural communities so that they can adopt good agronomic practices.

Executive Director, Africa Franchise Institute, Chiagozie Nwizu, says the Farm & Fortune initiative was a sustainable franchise model business.

Nwizu explained that accredited agents would provide smallholders with timely and relevant quality farm inputs at affordable prices while agro entrepreneurs would get business training to expand their customer base.

It said it aimed to reach 75,000 targeted smallholders within the catchment area of the facility to benefit from the blending plant’s operations and associated agronomy support services.

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Omega Fire Ministries Along Auchi/Okene Road, Auchi, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria.

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