No Serious Northern Group Is Against Restructuring -NEF

The Northern Elders Forum on Wednesday distanced itself from the comments credited to Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State that selfish Northern leaders were opposing the restructuring of Nigeria.

The organization said the governor could not have been referring to its leadership under Prof. Ango Abdullahi because it had campaigned restructuring more openly and more vigorously than any group or interest in the country.

El-Rufai had during a session at the 26th National Economic Summit said Northerners kicking against calls for the restructuring of Nigeria were not speaking for the North.

But Baba-Ahmed said the Governor of Kaduna State could not have been referring to Northern Elders Forum under the leadership of  Prof. Ango Abdullahi as the forum has campaigned for restructuring more openly and more vigorously than any group or interest in the country.

He said there are records of many statements made by the Forum or in conjunction  with other groups in support of the imperative for restructuring as a vital requirement for the survival of our country as a united, functional, and just entity.

 Baba-Ahmed denied knowledge of any serious northern group that is against restructuring and said if there are such groups, they must be speaking to the Governor in private, and they certainly do not represent the interests of the North.

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  • by N2jEkMVFD
    Posted 29 — 11

    908858 585787Ich kenne einige Leute, die aus Kanadakommen. Eines Tages werde ich auch dorthin reisen Lg Daniela 69159

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