Mo Abudu’s Ebonylife, Sony Pictures Set Up African Writers Initiative

Mo Abudu’s EbonyLife Media and Sony Pictures Television have partnered to set up a writers initiative targeted at Africans, which they named ‘Alo’.

Alo, which is translated from Yoruba as “once upon a time”, will create a platform for African writers to submit their story document and television scripts, Variety reported.

According to the Chief Executive Officer of EbonyLife, Abudu, the name ‘Alo’ is an inspiration to her.

From September 24 to November 5, the initiative will be open for submissions, which will pass through the scrutiny of EbonyLife and SPT executives.

Shortlisted writers will be opportuned to create a pilot script in agreement with the organisers and upon successful completion, pitch their projects to recognised international broadcasters.

Early last month, EbonyLife TV also partnered with Universal Pictures and Will Parker Production to get adaptation rights for a movie on Ramon Abass, also known as Ray Hushpuppi, who is being detained as part of an investigation into money-laundering, cyber fraud, hacking and scamming.

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