Mass Anti-Coup Protests Hit Sudan

Thousands of Sudanese on Sunday took to the streets of the country’s capital Khartoum marking three years of protests that touched off a popular uprising that led to the overthrow of longtime President Omar al-Bashir

Earlier reports suggested that Security forces had fired tear gas at the protesters near the republican palace in the capital, chanting against the current military chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, who led a coup on October 25.

The generals had initially detained civilian leader Prime Minister AbdallaHamdok for weeks under effective house arrest, but reinstated him on November 21.

The move however separated many of Hamdok’s pro-democracy supporters, who dismissed it as providing a coat of legitimacy for Burhan’s coup.

Previous protests against the military takeover have been forcibly dispersed by the security forces.

Nationwide, at least 45 people have been killed and scores more wounded, according to the independent Doctors’ Committee.

On Sunday, authorities shut off bridges linking the capital Khartoum with its twin city Omdurman, but large crowds still gathered.

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