Last US Military Flight Departs Ending America’s Longest War

The last US military flight has left Kabul airport, marking the end of a 20-year presence in Afghanistan and America’s longest war.

Officials said the last C17 aircraft took off with the US ambassador onboard after midnight local time today.

They added that the diplomatic mission to assist those unable to leave before the deadline would continue.

Celebratory gunfire by the Taliban was heard after the last plane departed.

The aircraft’s departure was the final chapter in a contentious military effort, which eventually saw the US handing Afghanistan back to the very Islamist militants it sought to root out when American troops entered the country in 2001.

It also was the end of a massive evacuation effort that began on 14 August soon after the Taliban took over the country.

America’s top military commander in the region, Gen Kenneth McKenzie, said that in total, US and coalition aircraft evacuated more than 123,000 civilians – an average of more than 7,500 civilians per day during that time.

Speaking after the announcement, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken called the evacuation a “massive military, diplomatic and humanitarian undertaking” and one of the most challenging the US has ever carried out.

President Joe Biden issued a short statement thanking all those involved in the evacuation operation over the last 17 days and saying he would address the nation later on Tuesday.

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