Hydroelectric Producing Communities Meet BPE, Demand 10% Royalty

The Hydroelectric Power Producing Areas Development Commission, a body comprising host communities of hydropower plants, yesterday met the Bureau of Public Enterprises to demand 10 per cent royalty payment from the concession of the plants.

Managing Director, HYPPADEC, Abubakar Yelwa, said the visit of his team to the BPE was to find ways to get the 10 per cent royalty as enshrined in the organisation’s statute.

He said the royalty would be deployed by the commission in the development of host communities where the hydro plants were located.

Yelwa called for a tripartite meeting involving the BPE, HYPPADEC and the power generation companies to agree on the way forward on the matter.

Responding, BPE’s Directoe-General, Alex Okoh, told his guests that the bureau would collaborate with HYPPADEC to better the lot of host communities of hydropower plants.

He said the BPE would ensure that operators of the hydropower plants executed their Corporate Social Responsibility for the benefit of the host communities.

He stated that all revenues generated by the bureau in the sale of public assets were usually transmitted to the Consolidated Revenue Fund of the Federal Government.

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