Huge Taxes Through Ippis Introduction Causing Hardship – Poly Workers

THE Senior Staff Association of Nigeria Polytechnics have cried out over what they described as the huge taxes being deducted from their salaries by the Federal Government, describing the situation as unbearable.

The union stated that since the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System took over the payment of salaries in February 2020, the tax regime has increased with untold hardship on its members.

Rising from its general executive council meeting and special delegates conference held in Abuja, the SSANIP in a communiqué signed by its National President, Philip Ogunsipe, and acting National Secretary, Enyiegor Emmanuel, frowned on the failure of state governments to constitute and inaugurate the Governing Councils for their respective polytechnics, stating that this had continued to affect the management and operation of polytechnics.

The communiqué reads the council-in-session observed that since the IPPIS took over the payment of members’ salaries in February 2020, the tax regime has increased unbearably with untold hardship on members.

The union further observed that the singular factor that gave reason for the regressive tax is the erroneous calculation of the tax based on the consolidated salaries rather than basic salaries.

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