FG’LL Increase Revenue Generation, Says Finance Minister

The Federal Government has pledged its commitment to improving revenue generation and enhancing economic competitiveness in the country.

The Minister of Finance, Zainab Ahmed, made the pledge on a virtual platform during the Executive Roundtable on the Finance Act 2020 and Economic Outlook for 2021 organised by PricewaterhouseCoopers.

PwC Partner and Chief Economist, Dr Andrew Nevin, asked Nigeria to leverage on exporting services to the world.

He said Nigeria had a populace of intellectuals earning foreign exchange which should be leveraged on.

PwC Tax Leader, Mr Taiwo Oyedele, who spoke on the import levy on cars said that the total tariff to be paid on imported cars was 40 per cent as against five per cent that has been in the public domain.

Oyedele explained that 40 per cent levy was still high enough to encourage people to buy locally.

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