Ex-Service Chiefs List Factors For Failed Anti-Insurgency War

The immediate past service chiefs reviewed the security architecture of the country and submitted that military action alone could not end the current war against insurgency, banditry and other criminal activities.

The retired military chiefs stated this while answering questions from members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, led by Senator Mohammed Bulkachuwa, who screened them as ambassadorial nominees.

The Senate President, Ahmad Lawan, had on February 10 directed the committee to screen General Abayomi Olonisakin; Lt-Gen. Tukur Buratai (retd); Vice Admiral Ibok Ekwe Ibas (retd); Air Marshal Sadique Abubakar (retd); and Air Vice Marshal Muhammad S. Usman (retd) as non-career ambassadors-designate.

The military generals enumerated their challenges and their inabilities to win the war against terror and banditry during their 66-months tenure in office.

Olonisakin, while defending his efforts at waging war against terror, said he later realised that the solution to insecurity was multi-pronged.

Buratai said despite efforts being made to end insurgency, many Nigerians were still harbouring terrorists and criminals in their domains and shielding them from security operatives.

He also says that, the mistake the country is making is to believes that only the military can solve the problem but they cannot because  there were political, social and economic aspects that needed to be addressed before involving the military.

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