Ethiopia’s Tigray Crisis: Fears Of Ethnic Profiling Stalk Conflict

Some Tigrayans in Ethiopia have described that they have been harassed, detained or discriminated against since fighting began in their home region on 4 November 2020.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has emphasised that the conflict in the northern Tigray region is against a “criminal clique” within the dominant party there, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), but reports from elsewhere in the country suggest there is an ethnic dimension to the crisis.

Tigrayans make up around 6% of the Ethiopia’s more than 110 million people and many live outside their regional state.

The government has denied that there has been ethnic profiling and said any action carried out against individuals was for justified security reasons.

Some in the security forces said they have been disarmed and ordered to stay at home.

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