Denmark Helped US Gather Data On European Officials, Says Report

Denmark’s secret service helped the US spy on European politicians including German Chancellor Angela Merkel from 2012 to 2014, says Danish media report.

The Defence Intelligence Service (FE) collaborated with the US National Security Agency (NSA) to gather information, according to a report by Danish broadcaster Danmarks Radio.

Intelligence was collected on other officials from Germany, France, Sweden and Norway, according to the report.

Similar allegations emerged in 2013.

When the allegations were made, the White House gave no outright denial, but said Mrs Merkel’s phone was not being bugged at the time and would not be in future.

Germany is a close ally of the US.

The report follows an investigation by the broadcaster involving interviews with nine sources, all of whom were said to have had access to classified information held by the FE.

Along with Mrs Merkel, then-German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and opposition leader at the time Peer Steinbruck were also said to have been targeted.

Denmark’s Defence Minister Trine Bramsen, who had reportedly been earlier informed of the espionage, told Danmarks Radio that “systematic wiretapping of close allies is unacceptable”.

Neither the FE nor the NSA have yet commented on the latest reports.

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