CSOS Blast Nass Over Embarrassing Leaking Roof, Flood During Sitting

Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, yesterday, blasted members of the National Assembly over leaking roof and flood during sitting.

The CSOs reacted over Tuesday’s heavy rainfall that halted sitting at lower and upper chambers of the National Assembly that also caused flooding in the complex due to leakage from the roof.

Speaking with the press on the issue, CSOs called for stringent measures to ensure there is no recurrence of the embarrassment witnessed at NASS complex on Tuesday.

The Director of Programmes, Corporate Accountability and Public Participation Africa, CAPPA, Philip Jakpor, said, It is shameful that despite whopping billions of Naira allocated to rehabilitation of the National Assembly complex yearly the flooding incident could happen.

Coalition in Defence of Nigerian Democracy and Constitution, CDNDC, Ariyo-Dare Atoye, said, It is instructive to say that the embarrassing leakage and the flooding that happened was uncalled for.

The poor management of the National Assembly facility is also a reflection of the kind of leadership in the saddle, and it is not good enough that both political leadership and bureaucracy allowed this to happen, he added.

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