CORONAVIRUS: Paris Poised For Maximum COVID Alert

French authorities could place Paris under maximum Covid alert from Monday, the country’s health minister warned.

Olivier Véran said infection rates in the capital and its suburbs are rising and a decision on imposing new restrictions will be made on Sunday.

He added that a “total closure of bars” could be needed in the capital.

France, one of many European countries that are seeing a rise in cases, recorded more than 13,000 infections on Thursday.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that surging figures in Europe should serve as “a wake up call”.

In a news conference on Thursday, Mr Véran said the Paris region passed three thresholds qualifying for a maximum alert on Thursday.

One of these was the number of infections, which has now surpassed 250 per 100,000 people.

They need a few days to confirm the trends, but if they are confirmed, they ll have no choice but to put it on maximum alert, from Monday,” he said.

According to Mr Véran, more than 30% of beds in Paris’s intensive care units have been filled with Covid-19 patients.

He warned that if the maximum alert was put in place, there would be no more family reunions and bars would be closed. Bars and restaurants in the region already have to close by 10:00pm.

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