Contributory Pension Assets Rise To N12.4tn, Says Pencom

The total assets under the Contributory Pension Scheme rose to N12.4tn as of the end of April, according to the latest data obtained from the National Pension Commission yesterday.

PenCom, in its unaudited report on the pension funds industry portfolio for the period ended April 30, 2021, also provided data on the approved existing schemes, Closed Pension Fund Administrators and Retirement Savings Funds.

The CPS, which lost some funds in recent months, returned to a growth path as it gained N92bn in March.

The data showed that the funds rose to N12.34tn as of the end of March from N12.25tn in February.

The assets, which had been the fastest-growing funds in the economy, lost N7bn in January and another N52bn in February.

According to PenCom, N8.4tn of the funds was invested in Federal Government’s securities in March.

Other investment portfolios where the funds were invested included domestic and foreign ordinary shares.

The funds were also invested in local money market securities and the rest in mutual funds comprising open/close-end funds, real estate investment trusts, real estate properties, private equity funds, infrastructure funds, cash and other assets.

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