CAR: Protests Against The Unsc’s Extension Of The Arms Embargo

The Central African population denounces and rejects the decision of the United Nations Security Council to extend the embargo on arms to the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

An issue at the heart of several demonstrations in the past few days in Bangui city — with several men, women and children taking to the streets in protest of this decision.

For Central Africans, this march is also about supporting state institutions and above all denouncing what they consider to be an international conspiracy to destabilise their country.

Indignance is what the Central African population, mostly youth, expressed at the Martyrs’ roundabout, as they say no to the extension of the duration of the embargo, a decision taken by the UN Security Council.

Among them were students, young people and even very small children who also walked to say no. They, therefore, decided to stay in the streets in protest until the Security Council lifts this decision and the FACA can finally acquire adequate weapons to fight the rebels, to save the Central African Republic and protect the Central African people.

The locals are collectively raising their voices as an initiative of the citizens’ movement for the awakening of consciousness in the country.

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